Looking for a primary care physician or family doctor near you in the Bronx, Dr. Patel board certified can see you when you need to be seen.
Dr. Patel has a customized wellness plan with more proven positive health outcomes to help you stay healthier.
Dr. Patel is a primary care physician and family doctor serving Bronx New York and surrounding communities including Westchester, NYC, Queens, and Brooklyn.
For over 10 years, Dr. Patel has provided quality primary care to families in the Bronx. Dr. Patel emphasizes accurate and prompt diagnosis, maintain a strong commitment to individualized treatment. Dr. Patel is proud to have established a leading program in Internal Medicine.
Dr. Patel would like to be the physician for you and your family. Call Dr. Patel today.
By Chaula Patel, MD
December 20, 2019